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Bi Luo Chun (Pi Lo Chun) Green Tea

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Basic Info

Name: Bi Luo Chun Green Tea

Origin: East Dong Ting Mountain,Suzhou, Jiangsu Province

Taste & Aroma: Strong fruity and floral aroma, long-lasting floral and vegetal fragrance mellow taste.

Item Form: Loose tea

Liquor: Bright,pale clear and green

Season: Spring tea

Dry Leaf: Tight and curly like snails, slivery green with white hair, silvery, downy tips

Ingredients: hand-picked natural tea buds and leaves

Storage: stored in cool, airtight, opaque containers - refrigeration is recommended.

Shelf Life: 10 months at room temperature / 18 months with low temperature storage

Sourcing : Teapooo

Caffeine: Low

Harvest Period: March 20, 2024

Bi Luo Chun (Pi Lo Chun) Green Tea


Bi Luo Chun (also Pi Lo Chun), one of China's top-ten famous green teas, is a traditional Chinese tea. It is picked in Spring and Its name ‘碧螺春’, literally translated as "green snail spring", is inspired by its tightly rolled leaves, resembling snail house. It has a history of more than 1,000 years. Bi Luo Chun is harvested in the East Dong Ting Mountain and West Dong Ting Mountainat at Lake Tai in Jiangsu Province (太湖) so it is also called "Dongting Bi Luo Chun(洞庭碧螺春)".

Bi Luo Chun is produced in small quantities, which contributes to its scarcity and high price. The tea is often considered a luxury item and is enjoyed by tea connoisseurs and aficionados around the world. In addition to its unique flavor and aroma, Bi Luo Chun is also known for its health benefits. It is high in antioxidants, which is said to can help to boost the immune system and protect against various diseases. Additionally, like all green teas, Bi Luo Chun is low in caffeine and is said to have a calming effect on the mind and body.

Tea Garden

One of the characteristics of Bi Luo Chun tea garden is that tea shrubs and fruit trees are often planted together, with tea as the main plant. These fruit trees include loquat, bayberry, chestnut, plum and orange trees, which account for 25 to 35 percent of the planting area. The advantage of growing tea tree and fruit trees together is that they can influence each other. Tea trees can absorb the fragrance of flowers and fruits, which is conducive to the formation of the natural quality of Dongting Bi Luo Chun.

Natural environment of Bi Luo Chun producing area

Bi Luo Chun Tea Garden

Bi Luo Chun tea Garden

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Bi Luo Chun tea trees grow in the rarest tea growing areas in South China, located at 31 degrees north latitude, with sufficient sunshine duration, humid temperature, long frost-free period, sufficient rain and distinct seasons, creating an extremely suitable environment for the full growth of tea trees.

The soil in Bi Luo Chun production area is fertile, with abundant plant species and high content of organic matter and phosphorus. The PH of the soil is between 4 and 6. There are large areas of pine, fir, white oak, holly, oak and more than ten kinds of artificial fruit trees, such as ginkgo, loquat, bayberry, chestnut, citrus, peach, plum and pomegranate. Tea trees are planted in fruit trees and other types of trees, with a forest coverage rate of over 80%.

Therefore, high quality Bi Luo Chun tea has a slight fragrance of flowers. As a tribute tea in the Tang Dynasty, it was favored by dignitaries. In the Qing dynasty, it was named "Bi Luo Chun" by the emperor.

Geographical location of Jiangsu Province


Bi Luo Chun was regarded as a tribute in the Tang dynasty (618-907). Ancient Chinese also called Bi Luo Chun as "Kung Fu Tea" and "New Blood Tea". To make 0.5 kg of high-grade Bi Luo Chun dry tea, about 60,000-70,000 tender tea buds need to be picked. The dry tea leave are tight, slivery green and curly like snails covered fine white 'down'. Its original name is Xia Sha Ren Xiang (simplified Chinese: 嚇煞人香; "scary fragrance").

Bi Luo Chun tea buds

Bi Luo Chun tea buds

According to legend, during the reign of Kangxi in the Qing Dynasty, one year the tea trees on the Robbie Peak of Dongting Mountain grew particularly lush. A tea picker had no room in her basket, so she put the tea between her breasts. The tea was heated by her body temperature and gave off a strange fragrance, which surprised the girl. This  tea got its name from here.

In the Kangxi period (1662 -1722 ) of the Qing Dynasty, the Emperor Kangxi tasted Bi Luo Chun and liked it very much, but he thought the name "scary fragrance" was indecent, so he changed it to "Bi Luo Chun". Bi Luo Chun tea trees and fruit trees are sometimes intercropped. Because of this, Bi Luo Chun has a natural floral-fruity flavor.

Picking standard

The technology of picking Bi Luo Chun tea is very complicated, and three principles should be followed: early picking, tender picking and clean picking. In fact, the picking period of Bi Luo Chun is very short. Generally, it starts from the Spring Equinox (春分) and ends around the Grain Rain (谷雨), less than a month. Only the tender tips of leaves are used to make Bi Luo Chun tea. The leaf should be no more than an inch long and shaped like a spear tip.


Freshly picked bi luo chun tea leaves

Freshly picked Bi Luo Chun tea leaves

The silver tippy leaves of Bi Luo Chun are green and have an distinctive twisted shape, resembling a small snail house. High-quality Bi Luo Chun has special flower fragrance due to its geographical planting environment where tea trees and fruit trees (such as peach, plum, apricot, plum, apricot,etc), blooming all season, are intercropped. When brewed, the tea leaves slowly stretch out and fall down to the bottom of the cup, and the tea soup appears to be bright,pale clear and green with a long-lasting floral and vegetal fragrance mellow fragrance.

Our Bi Luo Chun is harvested in spring days in the Dong Ting Mountain at Lake Tai. This protected natural reserve is located in the Jiangsu Province.The perfect climate, soil and precipitation work together to make Dong Ting Mountain an ideal place for growing tea trees.

This tea is highly sought after by tea enthusiasts due to its unique flavor profile and the labor-intensive process used to produce it. If you're a fan of green tea, Bi Luo Chun is definitely worth trying!

Chinese Gongfu Method
Tea 4g
Water 3oz / 90ml
Time 5 infusions: 15s, 20s, 30s,50s, 60s
Temperature 80ºC / 176ºF
Teapot Method
Tea 7g
Water 8oz / 240ml
Time 3 infusions: 1m,1m30s,2m
Temperature 80ºC / 176ºF

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Average Rating Bi Luo Chun (Pi Lo Chun) Green Tea

5 Rating 1 Review

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Tags: Spring, Sweetness, Refreshing, Grassy, Bi Luo Chun, Jiangsu, Spring Tea, Loose leaf tea, 2022 harvest